Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Valencia and the beginning of university classes

I left Friday bright and early with a girl from MSU and her host family to stay in Valencia in their condo. We came back on Sunday so that we wouldn´t be rushed on Monday. It was a very relaxing time on the beach. Madrid had seen a lot of rain and cold weather, so it was nice to get away and see the sun (although there is no sun in these pictures) and the warmer weather.

I did end up getting sick on the second day in Valencia with just major congestion but no fever (so no swine flu). I´m getting better, and by tomorrow I should be 100% again- we´ll see.

Yesterday was my first day of classes- I actually only went to Spanish Geography because I had to skip Social Anthropology in order to wait for 3 hours in a line at the police station in order to get a date to bring my documentation in order to get a student ID. I was literally the last person that got a date. There were five more spots and I was the 5th. I have to return next monday at 8:45 with my documents.
About university- like I said, I went to one class yesterday and there were no spanish people there- only foreigners: One girl from Germany, another from Czech Republic, and about 8 guys from the US. We don´t have to register until the 5th of October, so no spanish person has started- we Erasmus are just trying things out. Hopefully I´ll be able to go to at least ONE more class today before I go to my last day of Spanish classes. Wednesday should be pretty normal. My friends say that some of their professors don´t show up- because "real" classes haven´t gotten into full swing.
Well I´m enjoying my free time before things get going. Oh by the way- in Geography, we have 1 final exam that includes 10 questions covering everything. They don´t do multiple choice- which is a good thing for me.
LAST THING- I´m probably going to Murcia with Erasmus group the 2nd through the 4th of Octuber.

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