Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Maybe it´s just a normal " I´m-22-and-trying-to-figure-out-my-life" thing, but I have spent, believe it or not, a lot of time this year thinking about, well, basically everything- the main thing that is always on my mind is- how can I better myself today?
I´ve met a lot of people in the past year- most of the people I probably won´t see again, but a few I will keep in contact for the rest of my life.
I have recently found myself growing tired of meeting people and having meaningless conversation. Maybe this is a little harsh, but the truth is, is that I try to treat everyone I meet as an opportunity to grow and open my eyes a little more. We all have our particular ways of doing things and ways of seeing the world- I may not agree with everything or even ANYTHING that a person does or thinks, but I always note the difference.
I´ve had some incredible conversations with some extraordinary people during my travels. The freedom that comes when you can just sit with a person and talk about whatever comes to mind is absolute.
I believe that building a friendship that will last a lifetime doesn´t take a lifetime.
I believe that time or distance can´t change the impact that people make on you and this makes any time you spend with someone worth the while.
I believe that everyone you meet changes you a little, so why waste time talking about inane things when the small amount of time I may have with a person I meet is precious. Tell me about what you think, about who you are, what makes you mad, happy, sad- The words you choose say a lot about you and impact whomever you speak to.
It feels good to speak your mind, be passionate about your interests, and connect on a fundamental level with people that are probably different than you.
This I believe.

“When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self." - Confucius

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